Cooking Classes


Vindaloo Basa

Basa is so cheap and it readily takes on any flavour you want to add.  Tonight I used some of my Premala's Vindaloo Curry Sauce.  Saute celery, onion, plantain and sweet pepper in canola oil.  Remove from the pan and set aside.  Add 3 - 4 tablespoons of the curry sauce.  Add basa and brown on both sides.  Add back the vegetables.  Saute until the basa flakes easily.  Serve immediately.


  1. OK, what's basa? I mean it looks like a fish but I have never heard of it before.

  2. Oh, I had to check that one out! I just buy it! Apparently it is described as a catfish from the Mekong Delta. It is a firm white fish.

  3. Another one who has not heard of basa thanks for the previous answer. Diane

  4. I think Basa is a sort of river fish but I'm not sure. I've never tasted it before, but it looks so tempting with that delicious sauce. Thanks for sharing! Have a great day.

  5. Mmm, I can feel the longing for some good Indian food coming on.


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