Cooking Classes


Making Horseradish

I have had many cooking 'firsts' this year.  This is another.  Horseradish!  I have had offerings of this root and kept some of it in my cold room until now.  I swear I can smell it through my house so I had to deal with it.

Making horseradish is relatively easy.  The most difficult part is peeling the root and preparing it for processing.  After peeling, cut into small cubes and chop in a food processor.  The longer the root is exposed to the air, the stronger the flavour.  When it is as strong as you would like add white vinegar to cover.  Process again and then strain.  Bottle the horseradish.  You can mix it with sour cream to make horseradish cream.  Otherwise, use 'as is'.


  1. Man that's an ugly looking beast. I love horseradish with roast beef so you have my mouth watering for a good roast now.

  2. When we lived in Calgary there was horseradish growing in the garden.

  3. Love fresh long would it keep all prepared?

  4. I always keep horseradish in the fridge... lasts forever and it brightens everything up. The jarred stuff doesn't come close. I can't wait to try this with fresh. At my old house, the horseradish had snuck itself dead center in the middle of a giant hosta. No matter how I tried I could not move it without taking out the hosta too. I had to admire it for it's smart planning and have always had a sneaking admiration for the plant. As Grace says, it is ugly!!! I love it in coleslaw and just made a great beet dish from an old recipe that was sooo simple. grated cooked beets with lemon and horseradish, splash of cream. Ate it for dinner one night by itself... it was so good!

  5. I've grated fresh horseradish a couple of times, but I've never had enough at once to process. The fresh flavor is amazing. Now, I'm daydreaming about shrimp cocktail with a freshly made sauce!

  6. ya, that's the hardest part....I wouldn't even know where to begin peeling that tangled root!

    I'll bet your homemade radish....tastes better than any store bought I've ever tried!

    thanks for sharing.

    ciao bella
    Creative Carmelina

  7. Like the new face of your blog and love horseradish with beef! You could also very well do a local cookbook with ease - write a recipe a day.......or every other day and in no time, you'll have a stash to make a selection from. Lots of love

  8. Wow! Fresh horseradish is some potent stuff! Cheers for making it. Love it.


  9. Now if I make this it will require I secure some prime rib for sandwiches. Hmmm, not such a bad dilemma to face, I guess. ;-)

  10. I love horse radish but it is hard to control in the garden. My husband who eats anything, is not fond of horse radish. I will put it on the shopping list to remind me to buy some for myself :) Diane


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