Cooking Classes


Weekend Cat Blogging

Pam at Sidewalk Shoes is a big cat lover!  I follow her blog for all her wonderful recipes.  She has invited me to join her this weekend with some pictures of my Miss Sugar on her Weekend Cat Blogging.  Check out Sidewalk Shoes for more kitty cat pictures.

Miss Sugar is a wonderful traveller.  She has a bath every night at the hotel.

She loves to lay in the sun with her favourite toy.

Even though she seems to be scowling, Miss Sugar loves her new 'do.


  1. Looks like she just woke up in that last pic...and isn't happy about it.

  2. Yes, Jenna! Himalayans have that 'face' that often looks grumpy!

  3. Miss Sugar doesn't enjoy being photographed lol. She is adorable!
    I love cats but my husband is allergic to them.

  4. Voilà un beau chat.
    A bientôt.

  5. Thanks for entering!!! You did everything right!

  6. Miss Sugar is such a character. I took some pictures of Snowflake but they didn't turn out very good so I didn't post any.He kept closing his eyes when the camera flashed so it looked like he was sleeping all the time.

  7. She is such a character, isn't she. More personality than I have seen in a cat. Sassy, is a good description. Too bad about the pics of Snowflake. There is always next week!

  8. Lmao. She's like a fluffball with an attitude! Look at her expression! Priceless! :D

  9. Welcome to WCB! Miss Sugar is adorable, and I bet she knows it too.

  10. Judy & Sophia, thanks for commenting. What you think my cat has attitude! Whatever would make you think that! I could tell you stories, I tell you. She is a rescue cat, so I have had all that baggage, too.


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