Cooking Classes


My New Kitchen and a Giveaway!

I love my new kitchen!  It is so easy to work in and I feel like I have tons of space.  I even have some empty shelves and at least one empty drawer!

This is Miss Sugar's chair.  She loves to cook!  With this chair in the kitchen she is never tempted to walk on the countertops.

 My gel mats arrived yesterday.  They are wonderful to stand on while cooking and will also protect the floor.

Oops!  I just spotted Miss Sugar in the picture above!

Now for the giveaway!  Just leave a comment and your name will be entered in a random draw for a jar of my homemade haskap jam!  I know that these berries are not available to most of you and I would love to share them.  I will send it anywhere in the world!  (I know this jar says blackberry!  Just don't have a picture of the haskap!)


  1. I would love to try this jam. I've never heard of that berry.

    Your kitchen looks amazing by the way!


  2. so clean and slick and modern! Beautiful!

  3. How very lucky you are!!! I would love to have a nice big kitchen like that, and the best part, that beautiful commercial gas range!!! Now I would like to see a picture of it with a nice All American Pressure Canner sitting on it, mine has to sit on the electric stove :-(

  4. I love your kitchen too, Sarah. It's so neat and tidy. And you even have empty drawers? I am soooo impressed!

  5. Your kitchen looks great. We have the same fridge.
    Scott from Victoria

  6. Your kitchen is beautiful. I don't remember what "empty shelves" are after nearly 22 years in this kitchen.

    It took me a minute to find Miss Sugar hiding in that picture; she's so pretty!

  7. Oh my gosh, your kitchen is beautiful! If you can keep Miss Sugar off the countertops, you are much better at cat training than I am.

  8. Love your kitchen! It appeals to my neat and tidy self, and I love the pure white colors and the clean and slick appliances.

  9. It is so weird... I had the link and then I missed this post... lucky I checked! The kitchen is just beautiful... so clean and easy to work in. I love those pull-out drawers!

  10. Congrats on your new looks lovely

  11. How did I miss this??? The new kitchen is beyond awesome, its perfect!!! I love the cabinets and appliances, your range is something straight out of my dreams :) Amazing job!!!!

  12. Stunning kitchen, Sarah - I saw it a step earlier than this (still in a terrible blogging and reading slump and trying to get out of it)
    This is GORGEOUS!


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